Hello, and welcome to my style movement!
I've always been obsessed with style. I spent so much time and energy thinking about my style. I even created my first style typology with a friend in high school.
Despite this overwhelming interest in style, I used to think of it as something trivial and "just for fun." I never took it seriously.
That has changed a lot. The most I work with style, the more I appreciate how important and powerful it can be. Style brings so much satisfaction and joy. It boosts our confidence and makes us feel strong. Most importantly, it encourages us to embrace our authentic selves and to grow in our own unique way.
My mission is to help you discover what style can do for you.

All About Me
I started Style Thoughts by Rita as a YouTube channel in 2019. I was in a sad and difficult place in my life and I just wanted to do a fun project. I wanted to improve my wardrobe, but also to connect with other style-interested people. Nobody around me cared about style.
This "just for fun" project blossomed into something gorgeous and powerful. My beautiful husband Meradj and I created our own style system ("The Style Key").
I've been developing that system for more than two years and have had almost 800 client sessions. I've taught courses and workshops, I've created videos and Instagram posts, and have connected with so many wonderful people along the way.
I live in Stockholm, Sweden - I moved here in 2012 to do my Ph.D. at Stockholm University. In addition to working with STxBR, I also work part-time as a researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research. In my spare time, I enjoy just literally being and hanging out with my husband, and also "activities" like reading, going to the movies, doing normal life stuff with friends, being in nature, eating delicious treats, playing board games and going to luxurious spas. As of July 2024 most of my time is spent taking care of my newly born precious baby.
The Style Key
My Style System
The Style Key is a system to help you find your best personal style. We start with your essence.
Every person has an essence, which is the overall impression and experience of you. The goal is to align what you wear with this overall essence.
The best personal style makes sense for who you are as a person. It lets your unique gifts shine through. It feels easy and natural to wear, and it helps you get the life you want.
To learn more about the Style Key, please visit my resource page.