Client Reviews
I started doing client sessions in summer of 2021 and have done more than 700 1:1 client sessions since then. Here are some reviews of my work. Some of these have been shared with me and some have been posted on the lovely reddit community.
Rita is as sweet, gentle, and warm as she appears in her videos. She was very supportive in allowing me to express my thoughts and reflections on my style journey in the past few years. She also has an ability to see beyond the obvious and identify the hidden potential of a client.
I booked a Gentle Guidance during December with the intention of finding out which quadrant and archetype would best suit my style logic and needs; and I came out of it looking forward to continuing my style journey, and with less hesitations in my explorations.

mary beth
Rita listened carefully to my style story, hopes, and challenges and provided the most empathetic and thoughtful advice. I left our session feeling seen and inspired.
In the weeks following, I’ve created some of my favorite outfits of all time. Thank you, Rita, for encouraging me to center myself, feel into myself, and reclaim my body. This system is so empowering!

After following Rita's content for a while, I finally splurged and treated myself to a Gentle Guidance session. And I'm so glad I did. Rita is every bit as lovely on a call as she comes across in her social media content. Very authentic and warm. I get the sense she's naturally intuitive about people and that's her gift.
She instantly placed me in the RD / moonstone quadrant, just based on the photos I'd sent her and a few minutes of chatting. This was very validating, since I'd seen myself in the right down quadrant all along but it's great to see that she saw that as well. She gave me archetypes to explore, and some inspiration on how to use the Moonstone style logic to overcome my fashion hurdles.
The biggest takeaway for me was being encouraged to give myself permission to explore beyond just focusing on the situation and on proper fit. She concluded by giving me some exercises I could use to achieve more of my style goals, all while staying true to myself. I'm already feeling more inspired to put these tips into practice. If you're on the fence about booking a GG session, do it!

I'm very pleased where Rita placed me - the Wildflower! It was the Archetype I had been eyeing but hadn't felt "good enough". For now I decided to put the keywords aside for a while as even though I know they can be a powerful source of inspiration, right now I would like run free, no constraint. I'm still digesting our GG session and all the info I gained from it. And I'm sensing how I feel about the Wildflower essence in my life (not only clothes). I think Wildflower could be incredibly supportive for me as well as the Outsider (especially abandoning the rules and gently allowing yourself to try the unknown).
I started applying your recs for Rubys about feeling your clothes first nad foremost. Today I went out basically without checking myself in the mirror and I felt amazing! I allowed myself to dress in a "less" flattering silhoutte and didn't care, just allowed myself to be me also in "ugly" clothes. But they did something for me, I just felt as if my natural beauty could shine through them without outshining it. Does it make sense? It does to me!

I had a Gentle Guidance with Rita a few months ago and I’m still thinking of it. She is so deeply knowledgeable and kind and she really takes the time to listen before giving her thoughts. She’s open to feedback, both during and after the session, and she treats you as if you’re the whole world to her. She offers you so much Grace, dignity and respect and is so gracious when doing so. I would highly recommend working with Rita at any point in your style journey.

I have enjoyed attending Rita’s online style workshop as well as her recent Revive Your Style course and wanted to have her confirm my Style Key. I had been conflicted about what quadrant I belonged I decided to sign up for the Gentle Guidance.
I had observed Rita interacting with clients during a Gentle Guidance on her YouTube channel and I was able to experience Rita’s interaction style during the Revive course. She listens so carefully to the person who is speaking and gives feedback in such a positive and constructive way.
My Gentle Guidance session exceeded my expectations. I was pretty sure that I was Right Down although aesthetically I resonated with both Left Down and Right Up. Rita listened to me talk about what quadrant I was in and why. I had shared several outfits and a Pinterest board prior to our meeting, and because I had been a member of the Revive course, I was extremely comfortable talking to her.
I was a bit surprised that Rita placed me in the Right Up quadrant, but now that I have had a bit of time to process, I agree with her placement.
I had purchased the foundations course and several visual guides previously, and I found that the guides combined with the follow up emails I received from Rita after the Gentle Guidance have helped to reinforce the assessment. I recommend Rita’s Gentle Guidance without hesitation. I also recommend the Foundations Course and the Style Key guides she offers on her website. All are highly informative and so professionally done.

Even with my technical difficulties towards the end, my experience on our call was thoroughly positive, inspiring, and encouraging! Rita gave me productive advice that will help me solve some of my style issues while embracing and delighting in my personal style even more than ever before.

I came into the session with some knowledge of the style key, and I placed myself in a specific key and related to an archetype. Turns out I was correct about the key, but I had to combine two archetypes to create my own unique style archetype!
Rita immediately understood my needs and overall essence and was able to articulate my feelings about style and showing up in the world in a way that was clear and SO useful!
We identified three key pillars to think about when putting together an outfit, and they all feel SO ME! One huge aha was to that I can embrace an element of my style that I had previously thought was a problem and reframe it to a positive thing, and incorporate it into my life and style.
This was so freeing and it immediately opened the flood gates for my self expression and creativity in how I dress AND in how I show up in the world. I’m building a personal brand and my excitement about my personal style is helping me to be excited about my brand and business!
I feel totally empowered to dial up some aspects of my style or dial down another, as the situation calls. I feel totally in control of this, and I know I can be my best in all situations and use my style to do that. And that’s what Rita taught me (and reminded me because I intuitively knew this) that style supports me in my life to show up fully me and know that I’m seen when I want to be and protected when I want to be. I’m in control!
I left with a simple shortlist of items to look for to bring into my wardrobe. I don’t feel like I have to run out and buy things immediately, but I know what I’m looking for and trust the right items will show up. A few already have gotten a couple of new things and I’ve incorporated small changes in my outfits. Already those small switches made a huge impact on the feel of the outfit. And I felt amazing all day! It was a little out of my comfort zone but by the end of the day just felt like I was the most gorgeous person on the world and I was not self-conscious at all. It only took a day to integrate that change!
I’m excited to keep adjusting my outfits and testing them out to see how they feel and work in real life. I feel that with every change my style and whole life makes a jump forward that will never go back! I’ll definitely be playing with my 3 style properties and seeing how they work for me, and then I’m excited to see what my next style evolution will be. Can’t wait!
Rita is wise and smart and immediately put me at ease. She took my unique situation very seriously and knew just when to nudge me out of my comfort zone into what I really and truly wanted. She is very intuitive in her understanding of people and my feelings around clothing and how I operate in the world. It felt very powerful to be on her presence and have her trained gaze on me with such care and focus.
Anyone who has ever felt like they don’t look like exactly the way they’d like to in the world should do this session. You’ll walk away with a simple guide to dress so you feel exactly like yourself in the best way possible!

I had my Gentle Guidance with Rita in February. Her thoughtful questions touched on some vulnerable feelings. I wasn't expecting to feel so emotional but it's exactly what I needed.
She has an uncanny ability to see people for who they really are and offered me advice that felt really personal and unique to my style struggles. Since my call, my style has evolved more than it has in the last 20 years!

It took me a while to finally book a Gentle Guidance with Rita, but I am so glad I did. It was like a wellness/therapy session. I am amazed she can see people and do that in such a short time. She me things about me, that I had kind of been ignoring and dancing around without being aware of it. I already had fun exploring the system before, but finally knowing my quadrant and having an archetype to work with is a complete game changer. Thank you so much!

Shit was dope, real fun to try out & Rita is such a joy to explore this journey with. I did my first fit / inspiration with it and I am liking what I see - even if I'm overdo for a shower. I'm also a dude! Dudes! There's no excuse!! Get your game on!!!

I am so glad I decided to book a Gentle Guidance call! Rita is incredibly kind and intuitive. She made the experience informative and also gave me plenty of things to think about and apply in the following days. I’m looking forward to centering myself in my style journey and I hope to work with Rita again!

I was stuck in a rut and couldn’t figure out what I’d actually enjoyed. My session with Rita was enlightening, it helped me figure out what I was missing.

I have been consuming every ounce of Rita's work over the past several months. I have been so impressed by her very unique, insightful, and helpful approach to personal style that somehow also makes it matter/meaningful. Along the way, I typed myself as a Saphire or right up kind of woman. Mainly because I knew from many years of a style journey that "up" was a no brainer fit as I love and need fanciness and extra. I couldn't possibly be left because no one would ever think of me as alluring or mysterious, or edgy. So I must be right up. And to my surprise and delight, after a sweet and insightful conversation, Rita typed me as left up or Amethyst. I know it's "just" personal style. But this one observation just feels like it's giving me permission to embody these intriguing, mysterious, raw, elements that I do feel within myself, but also feel shy or inadequate to express. Not only in my style, but also in myself as a person. I've been throwing outfits together since I worked with Rita that in some cases are compositites of 15 year old items that have just fallen together perfectly! Style is back to being an adventure and now feels more authentic and like it's giving to me. Thank you, RIta. You have a gift and I'm so glad you're taking the time and effort to share it with the world. If you're hesitating, cut that out. You won't regret it.
Hearing someone I’ve never met before talk about I’m creating tension and shaking things up, and how it’s one of my strengths was… well, liberating, empowering. I highly recommend Ritas services!

My Gentle Guidance was an amazing experience. Rita is truly just as lovely one-on-one as she is in her videos.
Her intuition and ability to read people is incredible! I felt very seen and understood. If you are thinking about doing one yourself, definitely go for it!

Rita is an incredibly insightful and intuitive individual, and her Gentle Guidance was exactly what I needed on my style journey. Within the first 10 minutes of our session, she managed to pinpoint an aspect of my personality and essence I’ve always had mixed feelings about.
Hearing someone I’ve never met before talk about I’m creating tension and shaking things up, and how it’s one of my strengths was… well, liberating, empowering. I highly recommend Ritas services!

Rita was very kind and perceptive. She listened carefully and has given me some very helpful advice and achievable goals to follow.

I’ve explored quite a few style systems over the years and Rita’s Style Key is the one that has benefited me the most. Through her advice and the placement and archetype she gave me in her system, I was able to regain confidence in my style. Instead of looking to outside rules to determine how to dress myself, I now look inward because I know exactly what I need to make my style heart happy.
As an Illuminatrix, I know my style needs to bring me joy and make me feel supported in my everyday life. After years of choosing clothes in a joyless way based on rigid colour and style recommendations, I now have so many pieces I love. Even just looking at them in my closet makes me smile, as they are a reminder that I have rediscovered my own sense of style.
Rita’s Gentle Guidance session is short but powerful. She uses her incredible intuition to give you the guidance you need to hear right now. With the recording you get afterwards, you can let it all sink in and the wonderful community that has formed around this system will make you feel supported in your journey.

My gentle guidance was a lovely experience. I decided to book a gentle guidance because the style logic had unlocked another dimension of style for me. I had done a lot of journaling and had come to a point where I had a better understanding of my story, but was unsure of my quadrant. Rita is a fantastic listener - she's very insightful. I've had all of these different factors affecting how I had become so disconnected from my style - and she was able to compassionately provide insight into how I could change things moving forward. She placed me in the Right + Up quadrant, and we discussed archetypes and how she saw me. Rita has an incredible gift - she's able to see people exactly as they are meant to be seen. We discussed big picture ideas, and ended the consultation nailing down the smaller, day-to-day ideas that would be helpful for me to act on. This consultation gave me the confidence to lean into grander, style concepts simply because they are beautiful!

After reading quite extensively about the system, I was really excited by the possibilities, and by the idea of getting a better idea of what to do with my style! Rita is attentive, compassionate and insightful. She asks the right questions and takes her time. Her placement for me was a bit of a surprise but makes a lot of sense! I am very excited for this new chapter and will definitely work on the exercises of the foundation course. I cannot recommend her enough!

I am a student who recently finished a master's degree. Next year I'm starting a new degree in a completely unrelated field, so I booked a Gentle Guidance because I wanted to have more style clarity before starting this new stage in my life! In the consultation, we talked about a lot of my style fears, particularly related to being too much. I liked how thoughtful Rita was with her advice and how good of a listener she is! I felt very seen and safe.
Overall, the consultation has given me the confidence to fully execute my style the way that I want to without getting caught up in other people's opinions. I feel much more assured in my choices, and I feel like this is the last step that I needed to allow myself to have the style of my dreams!

Fashion has always been a great interest of mine but in an abstract sense. For the longest time, I struggled with applying its principles to my style, which led to me feeling indecisive (I'd love to call it 'experimenting' but that's a bit of a stretch) and trying to copy 'cooler' people simply because it felt safe. Many things changed when I moved, and suddenly there was no one to judge me. I could finally create something just for myself.
However, I was still scared — how can I know what I am about when I've never really got that sense of style identity? That's when I finally decided to book a consultation with Rita after months of watching her channel and trying on every essence (I mean, I said that my style was all over the place). I was *very* slowly gravitating toward a specific quadrant but didn't feel confident enough to claim it. Spoiler alert: that turned out to be true :)
It's fascinating how Rita listened to a single rant of mine and gave ALL the answers. I believe lots of people before me mentioned how they finally felt seen, which I can also confirm. Rita has a magical ability to provide her perspective on your appearance and essence in an elaborate way. The most amazing feeling for me though, was that I realized I already had everything to be someone I aspired to become. I just needed a gentle nudge, and, thankfully, Rita turned out to be the right person for it.

My name is Camila, I’m a professional acting coach. I booked a style talk with Rita because I was looking for guidance and direction after finding her system. My style needed some fine tuning and I felt like her opinion was valuable. During the talk, I loved being able to get a clear picture of my own style history. It helped me understand the “why” in my style choices. She gave me a relevant quadrant and archetype and explained clearly and concisely how to use these. It was such an “aha” moment.
When discussing my essence in her system, it became clear that Rita absolutely gets me and gets the way I think about style. She helped me really see the clear vision of what I had been trying to execute with style, but couldn’t piece together on my own. It really was like style therapy. She gave me concrete advice that I could apply and a clearer idea of how to use express who I am and how to use clothing more effectively.
I came out of the style talk excited, understood and loaded with knowledge. I felt like someone really saw what I was about and what I was trying to do and gave me all the permission and the tools to fulfill that to the fullest extent.

I am quite a critical person, but working with Rita was really worth it. She just gets your process and essence and helps you move forward on your style journey.

I was very stuck with my style and self perception for a long time. I really longed for a personal style that felt authentic to me but I was met with a lot of unhelpful online style advice which heavily focused on appearance, age and social norms. In 2022, I stumbled across Rita’s style system and have been following it ever since.
Rita’s outlook on fashion and personal style was revolutionary to me, and I loved how it focused on our needs and essence rather than trying to force us into aesthetics that ‘should’ work based on our bodies. I decided to book a Gentle Guidance with Rita and couldn’t recommend it more.
Rita is both warm and intuitive, and she was able to reveal my essence in an almost mystical way. I was very surprised by the essence Rita saw in me (I suspected I fitted into the Moonstone Key and was in fact revealed as Amethyst) but I felt liberated by her insight. She was able to provide me with personalised style advice that was reassuring yet encouraging. I felt like a weight had lifted from my shoulders and that I finally had direction in my style journey.
The resources Rita sent me post-Gentle Guidance were also able to lay out a sustainable framework to help me move forward with my style. I am incredibly grateful Rita for your powerful service and online content. I cannot thank you enough and look forward to approaching my style with excitement and truth. Go raibh míle maith agat!

I booked a Gentle Guidance consultation with Rita and was so glad I did. She is very insightful and empathetic and was able to help me locate where I fit in her essences. She also gave some practical tips as I start this new stage of my style journey!

I booked the talk because I wanted to learn more about how to express myself through the clothing I wear. Rita helped me find out which quadrant I belong to and helped me better understand my body shape and lines. Rita also shared ideas about how to enhance my style. Rita asked good questions and took time to help me understand her system better.
During our talk, I realized that I need to give myself permission to have fun when dressing and that there is nothing boring about me. I feel more comfortable wearing clothing that suits my essence, coloring, and body shape. I absolutely recommend it to others, it is well worth the investment.

I'm a recent grad and ex-student athlete who felt lost in the early stage of my style journey because I spent the last 4-5 years in sweatpants and while interested in style and fashion, often struggled to see myself in the myriad of aesthetics and systems out there. Rita's system appealed to me because of her quadrant approach, which seemed to have the capability of more "tailoring" to the individual.
Rita helped me to see my sensuality in a non-villified light and empowered me to own my pleasure in dressing my body without shame. She saw right through me 100% with razor-like precision and together we talked about my inhibitions/obstacles as well as my natural inclinations. I would highly highly recommend her to anyone looking to see and explore themselves in a holistic way!

I booked a style talk with Rita because I know I'm at a dead end with my personal image: nothing I own reflects me or suits me, and I saw in her passion the help I needed - especially now that I'm planning a career change and would like to dress the part.
Rita's spontaneity is contagious and immediately puts you at ease, making you feel safe even while talking about very personal topics. Her intuition is sharp, and it is clear that she knows how to grasp the slightest nuance, which she conveys in a direct but always respectful way.
We talked at length about my style path, how it has changed over time and what were the reasons that made me desire to be a wallflower.
Thanks to her, the emotional tangle behind my style choices has finally become clearer to me: I now know how essential it is for me to embrace my left-up nature in order to feel good about myself.
I look forward to putting her suggestions into practice, and in small steps, making peace with taking up the space I deserve.
I recommend a 120% style talk, you won't regret it!

I highly recommend a style talk with Rita! She was very welcoming and understanding of my goals for my style journey. She helped me expand my limited knowledge of my lines and helped me understand why certain garments weren’t working for me. She helped me formulate a plan and set realistic goals that were not overwhelming. I have already been trying out some of her suggestions and look so much better in my clothes. I am gaining more confidence in my ability to put together outfits that work for me. I am excited about getting dressed again and presenting my best self to the world!

Initially I was hesitant to get a GG because I was nervous about misunderstandings, but Rita quickly impressed me with her ability to recap and concretize what I shared. I left the talk with more clarity and understanding about my own style needs as well as her system as a whole. Definitely recommend it for people who have been stuck or lost in their style journey for a longer time.

It was a pleasure to meet Rita and a relief to gain her assessment of where I belong in her quadrant system. I truly believe what Rita has to offer is a unique and needed style system. The fact that she offers personalized guidance at an affordable price is also unique and needed. As her system gains attention and demand increases, I will be one of the lucky ones who was able to get the opinion of the system’s creator. I hope everyone will take advantage of this service while it is accessible.

reddit user
Hello everyone! A few months ago, I posted on the sub because I doubted being RU or RD. After reading the lovely comments left on my post and experimenting a bit, I concluded that I was RD. I was confident of my placement and thought I'd cracked the code! But these past few months, something has still felt missing! I also started to realize that I was still holding myself back in terms of outfit execution by letting fears of standing out too much takeover, so I thought it was time to try to conquer this self-torture! A while back, I saw there was availability for a Gentle Guidance, and I went for it!
Rita and I first talked about some of my style struggles through the years. She's a great listener and has so much wisdom. I was in awe at how well she got what I was trying to say hahaha! She also asked me if I had placed myself in any quadrant. I decided not to comment because I was sooo unsure of being RD despite working with that logic for months that I did not think it was worth mentioning. Still, a part of me thought that was probably where she was going to place me!
In the end, she told me I am RU!! I was veeeryy shocked by this but in the best way possible! It felt like some part of my soul was weirdly sighing with relief. She gave me the main archetype of The Princess with a splash of The Icon!
Rita basically told me that I am best represented when I go for that one-of-a-kind style. Wow. That hit so hard! Especially since "try not to be weird" has been such a powerful voice in my brain for years! Essentially, Rita advised that I should go for what is extra because that is what I am like. Clothes can help me communicate that I am different from others, but not in an isolating way since it's just clothes, but rather in a way that communicates who I am without needing to say a word or justify myself to others!
Regarding how to apply RU logic, she didn't give me much advice since she thought my logic when building outfits was pretty solid. My struggle was more with letting go of the fear of being judged or thought of as a weirdo or as too much for my style choices. But Rita convinced me there's no use in worrying about those things because I already know how awful it feels to censor myself and dress in a way that is not me...
Overall, I'm very happy I invested in a GG. I had been going back and forth on getting one for the past year and convinced myself repeatedly that I didn't need one because I didn't deserve it. I'm so glad I ignored those thoughts and went for it when it became possible! Rita is excellent at reading people, and I think her advice will be helpful for me for years to come!

Reddit User
I’ve pretty much always associated with the Ruby key, & Rita liked this for me. I was given the keywords “intriguing” & “delicate.” She also gave me the Outsider & Spicy Girl Next Door as helpful archetypes, and this provided a lot of clarification for me. When first encountering the archetypes on her IG, I immediately related most to these, but never claimed them for certain because apparently I block a lot of my own intuition (my reflection, not Rita’s).
Rita was very helpful in explaining what I can learn from these archetypes. She said so many good, juicy things, but some major themes were about my style being very self-centered, here to meet my needs and no one else’s (not surprising for a Ruby). I don’t have to put on a show or perform for anyone, and I really just want to feel relaxed about clothes. If I want to be creative or wear something cool, it’s for my own benefit.
And it’s okay & necessary for me to say no to what I don’t want, including “shoulds” & expectations from myself or others. AND I can also give myself permission to dream & treat myself when I want to. Hearing her say those things really made me feel so relaxed and at ease with myself, like a sigh of relief. Because I really am at a place in my life where I don’t want anything complicated or stressful with my clothes.
I highly, highly recommend a session with her when you’re ready, if you’re actively using the system! I’ve felt very at home in my quadrant for months, but talking to her, saying my thoughts out loud, having her questions & insights reflected to me… it really was immensely helpful & fun & eye-opening.
Rita encouraged me to create my own little archetype name. Outsider Next Door seems obvious and probably the most resonant, but I decided to keep the “spicy” bit as well, as a reminder to indulge in the spice of life when I want to, so I’m claiming “Spicy Outsider Next Door” for now! 🌶️

reddit user
I had my Gentle Guidance with Rita yesterday, which was very eye-opening for me. Let me start by saying Rita is the nicest human being on the planet. She takes the time to listen and answer with intent. She knows her words have power so she is very deliberate with her responses, which is really impressive for a 30 minute call. If you're on the fence about getting the GG I say do it no matter the stage of your personal style journey you're in.

reddit user
I had my Gentle Guidance with Rita recently and since I love reading all the experiences, I wanted to share my own as well.
She described my essence as intriguing, magnetic and exciting and assigned me to the mixed archetype Enigmatic Siren. I have seen myself as LU amethyst and Enigma before. Siren came as a bit of a surprise and I would never have considered it myself, but somehow it fits. In terms of the archetype, she said it is important for me that my style has an activating presence, builds tension and is exciting. And I should get used to the fact that it makes other people a little uncomfortable (not in a bad way). She also gave me tips on what I should focus on now and what would be topics for later.
As keywords she gave me two pairs. One was intriguing and intimidating. The other was sensual, mysterious and dramatic. She described the keywords in general and in relation to me and what that could practically mean for me.
At the end she gave me some homework, partly from the workbook, which she also sent me.
I am still processing everything and letting it have an effect on me. Especially the keywords feel quite a lot in their entirety, I didn't expect so much … intensity? as I am a very introverted and sensitive person. But deep down I know it fits. I love her description of the words and how they relate to how others perceive me. It has a lot to do with standing by yourself and I don't know what it is, but I feel so much more grounded and at peace inside. It's really just about clothes, but in the end it's so much more. The term style therapist really suits her and her intuition is incredible. Even though I'm still at the beginning of the exercises, I can already recommend a GG to everyone.

Having a Style Talk with Rita is a beautiful and grateful experience. It makes me really happy to feel that the way you feel yourself and what you want to say to the word is so important in style. After a long time feeling lost trying things in my wardrobe, Rita helped me to reconnect with my need and to translate them through clothes. She’s a very lovely person and she observes and gives advice with care and detail, making the most of your potential. Now I love clothes in me more than ever, it has become my permission to myself to own my confidence and strength. Totally recommend it.

I booked a style consultation with the lovely Rita, because being as picky as I am, and very much into luxury, yet not trends, it's been challenging for me to talk about style and my very specific preferences and frustrations without feeling out of place, or being offered suggestions that really do not sit well with me (by friends, colleagues, family, and even stylists).
When I heard Rita speak about her style essence philosophy, it immediately "clicked" for me.
I love speaking with stylists, and learning concepts that will allow me to express myself in my own way, and not just copy/pasting or applying general rules a stylist would give me to follow.
I lack the words to express how strongly I felt a connection with Rita's intuitive yet practical approach to style. The Style Talk we had was such a delightful and insightful experience, that I had another personal style breakthrough that will stay with me forever.
I have always been picky, and very detail oriented, but Rita delivered in ways I was not ready for. After our session, she sent me a personalized Style Guide that she spent days working on for me. I feel the love through the pages. This style guide is like a straight up book designed for me. The recommendations all fit my strong yin + color palette + luxury + personality. As I said, I was not ready for how much love Rita poured into her work.
Speaking with her felt like being in a very warm, friendly, safe, not judgmental, and happy place to be in.
I loved every minute of it.
Style is a very personal thing, and I have felt the need to do "more", because as a Right + Up woman, despite my very refined wardrobe, it was never "enough". I understand now, thanks to Rita that, not only is it enough, but it is the time now to really have fun, and just enjoy the positive feedback and reactions I was already getting from people around me. And to take things to the next level with the added and very spot on recommendations she provided me with.
The Right + Up audio course is also genius, and is a great refresher to have on hand when you cannot speak to her every day. I have already enjoyed it a couple of times, and will enjoy it many more.
I wish words could express my deep gratitude to Rita as strongly as I feel it in me.
Do I recommend her services? Absolutely, and I am planning on working with her many more times, as she is such a gifted person I want to keep being around.
Rita, thank you for your work. I am grateful for you and your gift!

Coming from a strict, religious upbringing I felt very confused about style and fashion. On the inside, I deeply desired to express my sensuality and fire but on the outside stuck to old ways of dressing based on family rules. I am also a quieter, intellectual type who shies away from public attention even though I might want to wear something eye-catching every now and then. I booked this Style Talk after realizing Rita’s Essence system was the one that felt “right” to me - her videos on Left + Down style left my jaw hanging as if she were reading my innermost thoughts!
I am so incredibly thankful for the time we spent going over my history, imagining ideal outfits, and discussing ways I could slowly get out of my fashion shell. I found Rita to be a really joyful and encouraging presence - she was so patient and kind as we talked about things like the conflict I felt between wanting to express myself without getting too much attention for it, for example. It was a deeply moving talk - way more emotionally impactful than I could’ve ever guessed talking about clothing and accessories could be! I plan to finish listening to the audio course, start adding items to my closet, and then definitely book a follow-up call with Rita to keep refining my style. Thank you, Rita, for just being you and making this process both enjoyable and deeply moving.

I booked a Style Talk because I was into different styling systems for a long time but still struggled to find a style that felt like myself. Rita's approach is very intuitive and is exactly what I was looking for. The Talk felt a little bit like therapy, we were talking about my style goal, how I want to be perceived, about my personality and which aspects we could integrate into my style.
We were discussing Yin/Yang balance, colors and keywords. After receiving my quadrant and the style guide I felt so reassured about my ideas. At the same time I got lots of new inspiration and a really beautiful color palette I can easily work with. I love how I can keep a lot of stuff I already own and start updating my wardrobe with more pieces to show my personality through style.

I booked GG with Rita because I wanted clarification and insight into the research I’d already done about my style journey. Rita gave me an objective view of my essence, confirmed my quadrant, gave me my key words and also identified who I was in the quadrant and the characteristics of that character. I found it all very useful and inspiring and access to the Foundation Course was an added unexpected bonus. I can now continue my style journey with greater confidence and energy.

I really enjoyed my style talk with Rita! She had such amazing insights that were so relevant to me that I was impressed by how accurately she is able to see things. I really recommend her services to anyone who wants to make the most out of their style because for me I feel that it all just makes sense after hearing her advice. She saw my challenges and helped me visualize my true desires for style. I love her system. It's so needed and is a vital component because it really addresses the core of what it is you are trying to express to make it simpler.
I love the approach of her system and now I have the missing piece I need to fully move forward in my style journey. Also, she is such an amazing insightful person that has such empowering words for women. Her message is really needed as she helps people to embrace themselves as they truly are. Her recommendations are great and I would wear all those things. It has really helped me to embrace what I really have as an essence because it improves my confidence to understand. Rita is an angel.

Extremely helpful in just about every sense of the word. The feedback was fantastic, and while I wasn't a fan of some of the clothing choices (i.e. bell bottom pants, tops and dresses with a high neckline) you really did give me some valuable ideas in terms of what to look for when I shop for clothing and some style ideas to consider incorporating into what I like as an individual. I'm going to have a much easier time navigating sites like Poshmark now as a result. Also, thank you for pointing me in a more solid direction where Kibbe is concerned. Now I feel like I can go take a look at some verified SN's to get some inspiration, and I'll be absolutely sure to look more into the "Wildflower" and "Outsider" ID's within your system. Thank you so, so, so much! I'll definitely be contacting you again if I have any future style questions! Cheers!

I've always struggled to find a style that felt like me, and recently that struggle was really starting to weigh on my self confidence and happiness. I wasn't looking forward to going out of the house, and I was wearing clothes, not outfits. Prior to finding Rita's system I'd delved into a number of other style systems, and while they'd all helped me look better (flattering lines, colors that suited me, etc.) I still didn't feel happy with my outfits.
When I found Rita's essence system I realized why: my clothes weren't serving me, and I was trying to use a style logic that wasn't mine! Rita's system does what other systems don't, and that's looking at what we as individuals want to express to the world and need from our clothes, not just what physical attributes we have or what's most flattering on us. Style is so much more complex than that! Meeting with Rita in a Gentle Guidance was lifechanging.
She's so kind, intuitive, and knowledgeable, and made sure that I felt comfortable throughout the entire meeting. I now know how to use my clothes to fit ME, not the other way around, and I've been so much happier and confident ever since! I'll most definitely be a repeat customer :)

Rita was such a pleasure to work with, and I could tell that she really puts a lot of hard work and passion into her style consultations. She has a really refreshing and unique approach to style that's intuitive, creative, and inclusive. I've been struggling with my style for years, and recently shopping/getting dressed just became too overwhelming. I knew that something was off about my outfits, but I could never really articulate why.
However, Rita helped me understand my essence and how to tell stories with my outfits, and now I really enjoy shopping and creating looks for myself that allow me to move through the world and situations with more confidence and ease. Rita is such a gem and I've learned so much from her--the style consultation was truly life changing for me and I cannot recommend her enough!

Rita is truly my sweet guardian angel of style! I have never encountered anyone who has such a holistic and loving approach to fashion.
Rita saw into my soul. She saw how my style journey is part of my deeper process of self-acceptance, self-expression and relationship to the world.
Not only that, she was able to skillfully support me in each one of these areas to take a gentle, yet courageous step forward.
I left our meeting feeling, seen, uplifted, inspired and empowered.
I am taking with me a mythic understanding of what my style journey means for me and a practical (exciting!) vision for what to do next.

I had been in the Color&Style community for awhile and even had a very expensive consult. But I still felt a bit adrift and disconnected from my recs.
I saw Rita's quadrant video a few months after my first style analysis and immediately deeply connected with LD and its archetypes. It was a way of dressing (and the associated styles) that I'd always been drawn to and had tried to put into words but couldn't. It felt so relieving and validating to finally have somebody else understand (and more eloquently communicate) what I was drawn to and wanted to say with my I immediately booked a session of course! It was so different and intuitive feeling.
I was initially very nervous but she has a light calming voice and demeanor . I found Rita asked really good questions to delve into the heart of my style hang-ups, and it honestly felt like a good therapy session - Style can be more emotional than a lot of ppl realize. It was very freeing, and she encouraged me to embrace what I wanted without fear that it was "wrong" or "problematic" and trust my own intuition and style desires.. She agreed with my initial hunch of LD, and gave me keywords, style icon inspo, designers , etc. and showed me where she thought I fell in the quadrant axis.
It made me realize I'd been trying to figure out how *other* people saw me and after getting that with my first analysis, I wanted to explore how *i* wanted to look.
I've had more fun buying clothes since my consult than I have in many years. I don't feel as hesitant or anxious about following recs or rules or exact color shades. It was definitely worth the price and I'm probably going to want a follow-up

I was exploring the Four Essences System for a while, with some nice results, I could place myself in the RU quadrant but I felt stuck after a while, so I booked a consultation. The yt videos were already helping me a lot, so I was very excited about this. During the consultation we talked about archetypes and how to use mine (Princess/Playful Dame), and it became quite clear how important they are to use this system to its fullest.
I didn't get that before and thought I'd get away with just knowing I'm RU, and get some nice outfit recommendations...but our talk was so much more enlightening than that! The style guide is just lovely...I can see how much effort you put on the explanations and on choosing the images, both blend so well together it's easy to understand your ideas. I'm so glad I did this, I already had some high expectations, but you managed to make it even better! Thanks for that 💗

I booked my Style Talk with Rita because I love her energy and I find her content inspiring and motivating for someone like me, who loves fashion but feels a bit lost when it comes to honouring myself and my body with the clothes that I wear.
I think I immediately connected with her, and she let me talk freely about my doubts and feelings. She was very thoughtful and respectful of my vulnerabilities, but honest and straightforward with her analysis, which I appreciated a lot.
I found very useful and eye-opening the tips and tricks she showed me about what works best for me, but I especially loved how she helped me see myself differently, and I think it'll change the way I express myself. I feel more comfortable taking space now, and making an impression does not scare me anymore! There are people who have the ability to see right through you and bring out the best in you; I feel Rita is one of them. I'm sure her advice will shine as a guiding light for me for a long time.

I've been on the style journey for years now and found in Rita's work the first new significant thing in a long while. I think her inputs are so insightful that can really make a difference and help someone go from point A to point B with whatever they want to achieve with their style. That's been my case. Our session was an exciting experience, she is lovely, so gentle and kind, and she offered me very interesting, on point, and illustrating insights about some psychological aspects of mine and my style and the relationship between both.
I think she has a gift for understanding people deeply and grasp someone's personality, experience and goals, and she applies this talent in such a methodic and effective way. I also appreciated her sharpness on identifying challenges that we face in our society regarding style, and the honesty she offers her insights with. I think she's actually focused on helping people and offering a quality and useful service. I'm very satisfied and happy with our session, what she brought to me is actually relevant and opened new exciting opportunities for me to work with my style, and through it, with myself.

Rita brings incredible energy and insight to her sessions. I turned to Rita because I wanted her thoughts on my Kibbe profile and implications for my wardrobe. I was also eager to confirm where I fall in her new style system. Rita provided all this and more. She had some great feedback on optimizing outfits vs. capsules. tweaks to take outfits from good to great and even thoughts on my shopping philosophy. I walked away with clear ideas and great inspiration. Plus it was super fun to spend time with her.

I‘ve been trying to define and evolve my personal style for about 18 months. As part of my style journey, I came across the Kibbe system and got increasingly frustrated- and obsessed!- as I couldn't work out my type. I already loved Rita's content on YouTube so when I heard she was doing personal style talks I felt sure she would be a great person to help me out of my confusion. I was also aware of her own amazing style journey. I felt she was very relatable, and could bring genuine knowledge and understanding.
Rita was exactly as I had hoped- warm and friendly and put me at ease very quickly. She did help with my Kibbe type but helped me to see it's not the be all and end all. She was very good at moving the conversation past my usual sticking points (dis-satisfaction with aspects of my body; disappointment with items of clothing). As a result of our consultation I have gained some really valuable insights which make sense of a lot of things I have been struggling with. She has also given me the confidence to trust my own intuition and judgement, and to stop holding myself back unnecessarily. I don't think I would have got to where I am now without her input.

My style talk with the Rita was liberating. I am a mother of two who has always loved fashion, but had become confused and lost once I was introduced to the world of Kibbe. As a therapist myself, I know that there is an art to looking past what a person wants, to what they really NEED to make big changes in their life. Rita definitely is skilled in this art. I came to the style talk with many very specific questions. Several of these questions were answered, but not all.
We spent time focusing on some more general themes in my style story and where I was getting stuck. Rita’s guidance and suggestions clarified my style goals and instilled a confidence I had lost. I have been able to answer my own questions, or they have become irrelevant. Since our style talk I have had so much fun shopping again, just like I did when I was younger, and have felt very confident in my choices.

Rita is such an intuitive person. Her system brings to life both her personal thoughts and her vision about style. When studying Rita’s system, I placed myself in the complete opposite style quadrant from the one Rita suggestion. After doing a deep emotional dive with Rita, I truly understand why.
I have always thought I needed to suppress the side of me that “needed” attention. Rita helped me see that it is not vain to want to express myself through unique and personal clothing. I always felt that I needed to “fit in” or be the “good girl” and it just wasn’t feeling authentic.
While I was placed in the left-up quadrant, ultimately I know that I can wear whatever I want and make it my own. Rita isn’t about boxing you in or placing you in a specific category and limiting you. Rita sees you for you, and knowing your spot in her system isn’t a limitation, it is freedom. Thank you Rita for all your beautiful insight. You are a true artist and visionary and a gift to this world! I am so grateful to have found and had the pleasure of working with you! :)

My name is Bridgett and I booked a style consult with Rita because I have a friend who had a wonderful experience with Rita and I have been very interested in her essence system and I have been interested in trying new things with my style and improving how I dress due to some difficulties with dressing due to changes in size and shape. Rita was very approachable and created a relaxed and fun environment in which to explore style and new ideas. I came away with new ideas of shapes to try and feeling more self confident. I also felt very inspired within her essence system and learned how I could use her system to explore style more fully. I would recommend Rita to anyone looking to explore style more.

Now that I've had time to properly *digest* our talk and implement the steps that we agreed for me to walk away with--I can honestly say that the style talk was a worthwhile investment! I am left with a foundation of what clothes should *feel like* when I'm purchasing them--emotionally as well as physically. It's such a simple concept, but it's not something I had ever done cognizantly before, and it's helped me shop way smarter. I don't have to buy things because they're on sale, or buy things that sound like a good idea that I don't later end up wearing.
I have now been able to put together SEVERAL outfits that make me smile and feel like my best, most confident self. Oddly enough, all it took was a few key pieces that really felt like "me."
Rita is a style psychic lol. She is able to really connect with your energy and help guide you towards the 'you' that you're trying to bring out into the world. She gave me the permission slip I didn't realize that I needed to wear those darn boots I've always wanted to wear. LOVED my session and will definitely recommend her to everyone.

I absolutely loved my style talk with Rita! I felt very comfortable and understood by her while I was talking about my style journey and thoughts. As a reserved person, she made it easy for me to talk openly about these things with her judgement-free energy and intuitive approach. She affirmed some things about myself which made me feel happy and like I was truly ~seen~ by someone. There were so many moments where I would be like "OMG wow, you get it!" when Rita said something that I really felt and resonated with. I feel so much more confident going forward with my style journey after our conversation, especially with following Rita's suggestions. :)

I can honestly say this was a transformational experience. I've worried before about style consultants being very prescriptive or close-minded with their view of others. Rita is really good at seeing you and, above all, making you feel seen. She really helped me trust my thinking and instincts and shake off some of the internalized feelings that prevented me from embracing parts of my personal style that have been there all along.

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So I was typed as L+D, my archetypes are Wildflower and Outsider, my keywords are: Intuitive + Intriguing; Enveloping + Delicate.
The whole Talk was much more like a therapy session and Rita is incredibly good at what she does.
I’ve read the feedback but didn’t expect the LEVEL of me being seen and understood, tbh. She identified my exact struggle with finding what I like, said some personal traits that can’t be seen from the picture, showed me some pieces to buy from my go-to stores (I didn’t named her any). I’m really just curious how she does it!
So to be completely honest, from description only I was more drawn to Enigma archetype (the phrase “you don’t need to explain yourself to anybody” just stuck with me), I really didn’t like the Down ‘personable’ word and the idea of being UP felt like I’ll be more worthy of taking care of my style (I don’t know how that’s work in my brain but there’s that) + I really like Zoe Kravits style and Zendaya’s style is like “hm, ok” (I love her, it’s just how I feel about pics I’ve saw of her fits on the internet).
Turns out that I’m worthy of taking care of how I look and I’m not personable and I’m L+D. I think that I was just too restrictive and was not seeing the full picture?
I was really surprised by Outsider archetype but I think my ideas and feelings about Enigma was my Outsider side talking) So from the talk I get that I need clothes that I personally like (which is extremely hard to find) and that it should be some interesting Wildflowery pieces.
Also most importantly I think is giving yourself permission to take time and be gentle with yourself. Of course there’s much more that I got but it would be very long post lol.
So that is that! I’m very excited and I feel very relieved and at peace lol. If you can afford it, highly recommend, be it Style Talk or Gentle Guidance.

I am a 31 years old woman who lives in Europe. I have created my own artistic business a few years ago, and today it begins to grows well enough so I can work almost full time on it ! I am very proud of it, but I also feel "weird" about it, because I used to hide myself in general and under bad fitting, boring clothes for years. But today, I HAVE to present myself in a better way, in a way that is more true to my real self, tastes and capacities. Before talking to Rita, I had already done a few steps toward my style goal, but I was also quite confused.
Rita was very nice, friendly, serious, but not intimidating at all. I felt at ease with her. I liked that she has prepared our style talk and the way she had structured it ! First she asked me for my style history. Then, she helped me with the way I can dress my bodytype better, with some practical advices and a bit of Kibbe inspired advices. I am glad she did that, and she did it in a way that made me feel good about my body (I had already tried to kibbe type myself in the past and I ended up more confused than before, so I had buit some resistance about it, but after my talk with Rita, I don't feel confused anymore). After that, we also talked about which one of her 4 quadrants system could help me in the way I dress. It was very interesting, because she didn't told me "you are Right+up" but "I think dressing right+up could help you the most right now because [...]" which is really intelligent ! At the end, we also talked a little bit about giving me the right to dress better, that I deserve it. It helped me to hear it from someone who is exterior to me, and who insists that it is important in a nice way.
After my style talk, I felt more confident, and more CLEAR about the way I can dress and present myself. I now have a first step goal, that is not the one I had imagined before talking with Rita, but this new goal seems far more realist and I can see how it can help me in my everyday life quickly : looking coherent everyday and allowing my yang "essence" to shine trough. Step by step ! The rest will come when I will have a solid base !

My Gentle Guidance session with Rita was so lovely. I could have talked to her for hours. I was open-minded going into the session, but I was so pleased to have my suspected essence and archetype confirmed. There are several follow-up emails following Gentle Guidance with loads of additional information. I’m slowly making my way through it all. It’s so helpful, and I’m really excited about my style again!

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If you have opportunity, consider booking a Gentle Guidance session with Rita. I have not considered this kind of personal styling advice in the past. It just seemed out of reach to have personal guidance. I am so glad I took the chance and had a session with Rita. Before our meeting, I submitted a short questionnaire and some photos. When we met, it was a jam packed 30 minutes. Rita verified my location in her system (Gentle Grace). She talked through some possible strengths and struggles of this type, which resonated with me. One example is a tendency to keep trying to make things better, improving little details, instead of enjoying myself.
She gave some great tips to ease up, but also permission to focus on details if it makes me happy. She was eerily intuitive about several points, including I have been typing myself way down as a way to hide from the world. It was scary to be challenged to be more visible, but she was correct. In the past, I have naturally gravitated to the Gentle Grace space, but in the last years, I have not had the energy or courage. So Rita really challenged me to find myself again. I’m still processing. It was such a great investment!

So very thankful that my YouTube explorations of Kibbe system eventually led me to STBR and a style chat with Rita.
What a difference a single meeting can make! I am almost 60 and have basically always been lost on the waves of fashion trends and basically dressing to please others. The Kibbe system gave me a good push in the right direction (discovered I am FG) but in truth I barely had a hold of the concept because, to me, it’s like math (which my brain doesn’t do) but the system that Rita and Meradj have captured and communicate so effectively is the emotional component/feelings (that my brain does do). Long way to say, I GET IT NOW! I get it so much that I almost didn’t book the session with Rita after learning so much from her YouTube channel but she is so adorable and wise etc etc I was drawn to book anyway, thankfully for me! I guess it’s like diagnosing yourself on WebMD v going to a specialist: I was certain I was Left Up, Rita suggested that I am possibly a Left Down who is putting work into pushing up into that quadrant for myriad reasons we discussed. Bullseye! Apparently decades of second-guessing my own styles, preferences, had weakened my ability to see myself clearly and/or consider my own physical/emotional comfort (comfort! WHAT!?).
Now here comes Rita from across the world onto my ipad on my dining room table on Zoom two mornings ago, looks into my eyes, and within minutes has ripped all that obfuscation away and spoke actual FACTS about me like some kind of creepy fortune teller (in a good way!) *LOVE* I mean, she had comments about my style from the pics I sent, naturally; however, also had therapy-level insights into the possible reasons behind my choices! I’m still stunned (did that really happen!?).
Now I don’t feel like weirdo! An Outsider still? Yes. But now I know why and also that I’m joined in my Outsiderness by everyone else in my quadrant! We need a team flag! And it will be a cool flag, won’t it!? And, as Rita would (and did) say, “No one has to accumulate a certain amount of “cool points” in order to dress authentically in a cool way…” (Rita, I think I got your words/message right - this was one of the many zingers you tossed in my direction within the first minutes of our call that I’ll simply never forget!!) (I think I’m going to embroider some of them on throw pillows - haha!)
I’m so excited to move forward with the confidence in (and respect of) my own style and preferences now! Look out baffling closet! and even more baffling world!, I know exactly what I’m doing for myself now and, as dorky as this sounds, I know that it’s my time to shine! [insert MTM hat toss here ]