Your Style
are you in a style slump?
You're here because you recognize that style is important. Clothes are fun, they're beautiful and a nice outfit can feel so good to wear! But there are many things that can come in the way.
Maybe you've been dealing with physical and mental health challenges.
Maybe you've changed jobs or moved to a new environment.
Maybe you've gone through pregnancy or menopause or a significant body change.
These big changes all take you away from a style that worked for you . You can't lean on what you used to wear. Not only that, but these challenges take up your attention and energy so you don't quite have the time and space to find a new style that works.
Instead, you come up with an "okay temporary solution" - a grab & go outfit of jeans/sweater, the few clothes that feel comfortable on your body, etc. There's nothing wrong with these clothes per se, but they aren't what you would ideally like to be wearing.
Then as time goes by, you notice that the "temporary okay solution" became the new normal.
You realize that you're stuck in a style slump, and your dream style feels so out of reach.
When you realize that you want to make a change, it's tempting to learn everything you can, figure out the perfect moodboard, create the amazing new closet. But for most people that's not a good path, even though these are all good style activities.
Why? Because the biggest challenge in getting out of the style slump is overwhelm.
The style journey takes time and effort. It takes confidence and perseverance. It can feel like a lot to handle. Ant we make it worse for ourselves by putting on so much pressure to *fix* things. In this place, small changes feel insignificant and big changes feel too difficult. The result? You're stuck in the same place.
Before you make the moodboards, figure out your dream style, and go shopping, you first need to make space in your life for style. You need to recapture a feeling of confidence and excitement about style. To remember what it feels like to feel pretty, to feel good about how you look, and to enjoy the process.
In this course, we are going to take consistent, small steps to feeling better about style. And we will do it with each other's support. By shifting the focus from getting the perfect outcome (the dream wardrobe) to enjoying style today, you empower yourself to make a bigger change in the long run.
This is a four week course with an online support community. Every week there is a new style challenge to help you revive your style. You could take just 20 minutes a week for this challenge, or you could make it a part of every day. Either way, I promise you will feel more confident and excited about style at the end. And if you don't, I'll give you a full refund.
The course is four weeks long and each of the weeks has its own theme.
The themes are (1) discovering our inner yes (2) doing something extra (3) pushing away (4) trying something new. These are all the exercises I have found most helpful for the "style slump", based on my work with hundreds of style clients and offering many different style courses.
This course has three components:
- weekly style challenge and reflection question. A manageable task that you can fit into your busy schedule and do with the clothes you already own. A question that you can reflect on throughout the week.
- weekly calls. An opportunity to come together as a group and just talk about how things are going. The first call will be on March 29th (a Friday). The following three calls will be on Sundays (April 7th, 14th, and 21st). Calls will be one hour long, held via Zoom, and scheduled at 6pm CET, which is 10am PST and 1pm EST. They will be recorded for those who can't make it live.
- supportive private community. An online space to connect with other people on the same journey, to get reassurance, encouragement, and advice.
It's up to you how you engage with the course. It is designed to be flexible and there's nothing you *have* to do. If you prefer to do the exercises by yourself, that's great. If you love the community, we love to have you. If you don't want to come to the calls, that's totally fine.
The course starts on March 25th and ends on April 21st. Sign-ups close on the 25th.
Course price is 100 USD which includes a 25% VAT.
Course guarantee: if you participate in the course and don't feel like you've made progress with your style, I'll give you a full refund.
what doesn't work
So what does work?
course plan
revive your style