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ethereal sky

Audio Course

the style key is an invitation

We have been told so many things about style. Many of these lessons are about conforming to a standard, to doing things "correctly."


We've been told that there's such one way of  "dressing like a young professional" or "dressing like a mom" or "dressing like a retired woman" - and that if we don't follow these templates, we will look weird, tacky, or unattractive.


The truth is that these templates and rules only take you so far.


You can do everything "right" and feel unfulfilled with your style. You can have the most "appropriate" outfit in the most "flattering" shapes and most "harmonious" colors. But if there's no you, if your heart isn't in the clothes, it won't feel right. You'll be stuck in the cycle of shopping and purging. Always nitpicking small details of your outfits or the shape of your body. Because you know something's off.


The Ruby Style Key is your invitation to go deeper with your style. To make it truly personal and thus to find genuine fulfillment through style.


An invitation into authentic and joyful personal expression.

An invitation to release the style "rules" and all the expectations that stifle your personal joy.

An invitation to turn inwards and get to know what feels good for you.






I've worked with hundreds of clients over the past years and I have developed a set of tools that will help you make style what you want. My goal with this course was to gather all of my best tools in one place and to present them in the most useful way. I've focused on being concise and clear, while addressing the problems and questions I've encountered the most.


We are going to cover the following:


  • Your essence. Understanding the concept of essence and the unique gift of your Left+Down essence.

  • Your logic. Understanding the process of creating Ruby outfits and learning how to put your self in the center.

  • Your archetypes. Understanding the role of the archetypes as guides on the journey and how to start working with them.

  • Your visuals. Practicing the art of going from idea and vibe to concrete clothing and actual choices.

  • Your technique. How to harness the power of "showing and hiding" so that you feel in control of what you're sharing with the world.

  • Your medicine. What "indulgence" really means in terms of style, and why it can transform your life.


The course contains six audio lessons for a total runtime of 78 minutes. Transcripts are included if you prefer to read.


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the best tools for the ruby style key

Ruby - Archetypes.png

ruby audio course


More resources

To view all the Style Key learning resources, visit my Resources page!

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